Bring Your Own Device Policy and Checklist
59% of organisations have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) process in place. If your organisation already allows this, or you’re looking to allow your staff in the future to use their own devices, you’ll need to establish a BYOD policy. This protects your organisation from security risks, and ensures your team are confidently and correctly doing their work on behalf of your company.
The steps to a successful BYOD process include:
- Developing a policy that’s quick and easy to implement
- Ensuring the policy proactively manages security risks
- Creating a system that offboards team members securely in the event of an employee leaving
Developing a policy that’s quick and easy to implement
Ensuring the policy proactively manages security risks
Creating a system that offboards team members securely in the event of an employee leaving
Download our BYOD package to get started.
Download your BYOD Package today
Empower your staff to safely use their own devices
Our BYOD package includes:
A template policy covering device remote wipes, reviews, risks, liabilities and disclaimers
A ‘Standard for Securing Personal Devices’ template, including updates, passwords, logins, software, applications and security settings
An employee checklist for ensuring best practice is being met and the policy is adhered to
Simply download the policy and checklist, apply your branding, and share to your team.